Cognate Articles

The articles by various writers in this section of the Greaves Archive web-site are offered to readers as texts that uphold the political values that C.Desmond Greaves championed in the course of his life and work. 

It is hoped that they may be of long-term use to democrats who seek to advance one or other of those values in the contemporary world.

Those values are: 

(a) the defence of the Nation State as the fundamental locus of political democracy in the contemporary world; 

(b) opposition to  the European Union and supranational integration as an assault on the democracy and independence of the Nation States of Europe; 

(c) the establishment of parity of treatment and equality of esteem between the Nationalist and Unionist communities in Northern Ireland as the necessary pre-requisite of those communities becoming aware of the political implications of their common Irishness and of a shared future in an independent Irish State; 

(d) the reconciliation of collective and individual values in an ecologically friendly society organised on socialist lines as the most rational and humane way of conducting human relations.  

Readers are free to use or adapt these articles for their own purposes without any need of reference to or acknowledgement of their source. If they add new material, however, that should not be ascribed to the original author. 

The initial articles are by Desmond Greaves’s literary executor Anthony Coughlan, who is the first editor of this web-site.